Paseo Champagnat Mall

Client – Paseo Champagnat


Sitio Web Responsive

Paseo Champagnat is a shopping center located at km 54.5 of Ramal Pilar (north Buenos Aires) that has a wide variety of shops and services for customers in the near area.

El desafío

Desarrollar un sitio web dinámico, integrado con redes sociales, que pueda verse en cualquier dispositivo y que permita comunicar las distintas opciones que tiene el shopping en materia de gastronomías, oferta de products y servicios, promociones.

La Solución de Way2net – Digital Marketing Agency

  • Desarrollamos un sitio web dinámico con el fin de proveer todo tipo de información del centro comercial a sus públicos
  • We developed an internal page for each store with the basic information, their products, contact details and their current promotions
  • An interactive map for the mall was designed and developed with the location of the stores in the shopping center
  • An important space was developed with a rotating slider to communicate the benefits and promotions. When you select a promotion you are able to see which stores are

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