Improving Engagement on YouTube

engagement on youtube

It often happens that certain advertising campaigns are highly visualized on the internet without having a positive effect on their viralization and ROI, meaning a poor engagement on YouTube. This is because not only we have to get the user to watch the video, but should get him to generate a conversion, i.e. a purchase or a specific response expected by the company or any desired interaction (Like or sharing). This is what we mean by improving engagement on YouTube.

One of the most appropriate channels to communicate and improve our customers engagement is Youtube, which is the second largest searching platform after Google. We want to make the user respond to our specific objective “call to action”, besides watching our video.

According to the info graphic made by the QuickSprout Research Team, there are certain technical aspects to consider in addition to the content we generate when we think of a video. We can establish some tips to improve engagement on youtube such as:

Complete Metadata: Describe in detail your video titles according to its content and use strategic tags through which the video will be well-positioned in future searches.
Choose an attractive image as thumbnail: This usually increases engagement by 154%. It is a way to attract more users to our brand.
Be consistent: Your video uploading should be constant in both the content and the time between each publication.
Be strategic: We must be aware of trends or special dates for our video to be in sync with the time that is posted. (For example, Valentine’s Day)
Duration: Increasing engagement is generally easier with short videos. But there are exceptions.
Create a relationship with your followers: It is important to answer questions and generate an interaction with your audience.
Getting our followers to engage with the content we post every day is a difficult task. For this to happen, we must use a platform that allows us to interact with our customers, and YouTube allows us to do it dynamically. If we are strategic when uploading videos, the chances of their viralization will be greater.


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